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Journal of Spectroscopy and Dynamics 2014, 4: 6
Research Article
Dynamics of the light-induced absorption in photochromic [Ru(bpy)2(OSO)]+
Sebastian Eickea, Volker Dieckmanna, Annika Krusea, Kay-Michael Voita, Mirco Imlaua, Lorenz Walderb
a School of Physics, Osnabrück University, Barbarastr. 7, 49069 Osnabrück, Germany
b School of Chemistry, Osnabrück University, Barbarastr. 7, 49069 Osnabrück, Germany
Abstract |
The dynamics of the light-induced absorption of a dense but fluid ensemble of photochromic [Ru(bpy)2(OSO)]+, that is determined within a pump-probe scheme, is analyzed by both, modeling and experimental investigations. The intensities of pump and probing beams are significantly attenuated by absorption involving the ground and photoisomerized states. Predictions of the derived model are (i) a dependence of the dynamics on the spatial position of the probing beam within the molecular ensemble, (ii) different dynamics for collinear or non-collinear propagation of pump- and probing beams and (iii) dynamics that depend on the molecular concentration of the ensemble. These predictions are experimentally verified in an appropriate pump-probe configurations along the boundary conditions of the model. We show that the findings can be successfully applied to analyze the temperature dependence of the dynamics of an ensemble of sulfoxide compounds. The relation of the model quantities to quantum yield and activation energy is discussed.
Keywords |
Absorption dynamics; Photofunctional molecules; UV/VIS spectroscopy; Photosensitive materials