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Journal of Spectroscopy and Dynamics 2013, 3: 5
Research Article
On vortex and the 1H, 2H T1 relaxation behavior of water-d2 under MAS conditions: Effects of spinning
Vladimir I. Bakhmutov
Department of Chemistry, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77842-3012, USA
Abstract |
To distinguish between the oxygen-vortex effect and influence of radio-frequency field inhomogeneity on NMR relaxation in liquids, the differently - filled 4-mm MAS NMR rotors have been applied for the 1H, 2H T1 measurements in water-d2 at large variations in spinning rates. In contrast to methanol, the oxygen-vortex effect in water-d2 is clearly observed only in the 50%-filled NMR rotors, spinning at a rate of 2 kHz, as a 1H bi-exponential relaxation while the 2H relaxation of the water remains mono-exponential. In addition it has been demonstrated that the presence of radio-frequency field inhomogeneity can result in deviations from an exponential relaxation behavior (but not a bi-exponential) and a visible reduction in the measured 1H T1 times.
Keywords |
1H, 2H MAS NMR; T1 times; Effects of spinning rates on T1 relaxation