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Chemical Sensors 2013, 3: 14
Research Article
An inductor-capacitor resonant circuit chemical sensor array for remote monitoring of multiple atmospheric contents
Brandon D. Pereles, Andrew J. DeRouin, Keat Ghee Ong
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Michigan Technological University, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI49931, USA
Abstract |
A wireless, passive sensor array was developed for simultaneous monitoring of multiple atmospheric parameters. The sensor consisted of a planar spiral inductor connected to an array of interdigital capacitors, forming multiple inductor-capacitor (LC) resonant circuits with distinct resonant frequencies. Sensor response was wirelessly detected by measuring the impedance of a remotely located coil antenna. To illustrate the implementation of this technology, a chemical sensor, capable of simultaneously monitoring humidity and alcohol contents in the atmosphere, was realized by functionalizing different coatings on the interdigital capacitors so that the observed resonant frequencies responded differently towards these two parameters. Compared to the previous LC sensors capable of monitoring only a single parameter, the current sensor simultaneously monitored multiple parameters without significantly increasing sensor footprint. Another advantage of this sensor compared to the single-element LC sensor was that the sensing elements (interdigital capacitors) can be separated from the inductor with wires to create multiple distinct resonance peaks. As a result, a number of sensing elements can be distributed over a wide area while the user only needs to monitor the responses of all elements once at the inductor.
Keywords |
Sensor array; Wireless; Inductor-capacitor; Multiple parameters; Humidity; Chemical sensors