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Physics Express 2013, 3: 25
Research Article
Theoretical study of velocity of sound in cuprates in normal state
K. C. Bishoyia, S. P. Mohapatrab, G. C. Routc
a N. C. College (Autonomous), Jajpur - 755001, India
b Anandapur College, Anandapur - 758021, India
c Condensed Matter Physics Group P. G. Dept. of Applied Physics and Ballistics, F. M. University, Balasore - 756019, India
Abstract |
We address a microscopic theoretical calculation of temperature dependence of velocity of sound in cuprates in normal state in under-doped region. The model Hamiltonian contains the anti-ferromagnetism (AFM) in the conduction band, the hybridization between the conduction and f-electrons and the impurity atom kinetic energy. Here the phonon is coupled to the hybridization between the conduction electrons and the f-electrons of the system in presence of bare phonon energy. The Green’s functions are calculated by Zubarev’s technique from which the velocity of sound is calculated and studied in the finite temperature limit taking into account the temperature dependence of AFM. It is observed that the velocity of sound decreases (or softens) from a higher temperature upto Néel temperature (TN) in the paramagnetic phase. The velocity of sound shows a sharp fall at TN and decreases further, as temperature is lowered in the AFM phase. The effect of electron-phonon (e-p) coupling, the position of f-electron level and hybridization on velocity of sound is reported.
Keywords |
Anti-ferromagnetism; Electron-phonon interaction; High-Tc superconductors