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Physics Express 2013, 3: 2
Research Article
Connection of a secondary-ion photoeffect with crystallinity and photoconductivity of some semiconductor compounds
A. G. Rokakha, M. I. Shishkina, Yu. N. Perepelitsynb, S. B. Veniga, M. D. Matasova
a N. G. Chernyshevsky Saratov State University, Saratov, 410012, Russia
b Saratov Department of V. A. Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of RAS, Saratov, 410019, Russia
Abstract |
Influence of additional illumination on the yield of secondary ions of GaAs and CdTe photoconductive monocrystals under bombardment of oxygen ions and also on the photoconductivity spectrum of these crystals and films of CdS-PbS has been investigated. In GaAs the yield of secondary ions Ga+ and As+ under the illumination influence is increased. In CdTe there was no yield increase of secondary ions. Different influences of illumination by white light on secondary-ion emission of GaAs and CdTe crystals are supposed to be caused by the different roles in these crystals of impurity and induced impurity photoconductivity, in particular by influence of oxygen impurity. The conclusion is that normal secondary-ion photoeffect correlates with intrinsic photoeffect but anomalous one – with impurity electronic photoeffect (photoconductivity).
Keywords |
Secondary-ion photoeffect; Monocrystals GaAs and CdTe; Induced impurity photoconductivity; Lifetime of photocarriers; Auger-spectrometry